Monday, May 5, 2008


2nd hour after i woke up from my operation...ewww

me and a bit sore, ouchie!

hmm, dad thinks im a pie - mums got issues!

See, Im ok!

Me and my great nan from sale...i gave her heaps of hugs

Me and my great nan and pa from sale

Me, mum, nan and pa

Just kickin back before the operation

I just woke up from my operation...youchie!

HI guys

Eli here!

We have had a very busy week, so sorry about the delay in getting word out to you! I had my Dr visit with Dr Karin Tuesday last week. Unfortunately i had to have some more needles including a flu shot-youch! Well, it made me a bit sick, and i got a temp tuesday night. Mum tried panadol for the whole night but it stayed up over 38.5 for most of it. We waited to see Dr Steven on Wednesday arvo, and it was still high at 38.4, so he decided to put me in hospital to give me some medicine to make me feel better. It worked, and i was pretty ok by thursday.
They kept me until until Friday morning, which was when i had my spleen operation. I was pretty nervous, and mum came in with me while i went to sleep. Apparently i was in there for nearly 2 hours, and boy, mum and dad looked SOOO relieved to see me when i woke up. I must admit, i was pretty happy to see them too. I was lucky because Dr Joe was able to take my spleen out by putting 4 little cuts in me, rather than the "big" cut across my tummy, which would have meant much longer in hospital. We were all so happy about the little cuts, because i felt better very quickly. i cant really remember much of friday and saturday lunchtime because i was on an awesome drug called MORPHINE! Mum was pretty happy too! they took it off me on sat lunchtime, but kept other stuff going, and overall, i felt pretty good. I had a rough night on Saturday night, it was very noisy in hospital, and i was awake from 2am to nearly 5am! i was pretty sick and puked a couple of times, i think i ate too much too quickly and it upset my tummy a bit. But by sunday, i was in top form, and pretty much off all of my pain relief, and eating like a trooper. The Dr's even said i could go home on sunday night, but mum said no, so me and dad stayed in overnight again, just to make sure everything was ok...Much to mum's delight, my 6th tooth popped through this i now have 4 up the top and two down the bottom now! Awesome. Ive been a bit cheeky and tested them on mums boobs - she wasnt happy (although i did see her giggle with dad!)...
Im very happy to be out of hospital, we always get very tired, but its awesome to be back in my bed. Im also sitting for short periods by myself and im still LOVING the wiggles...ive heard mum and dad say if they wake up through the night, they often find themselves singing little wiggles ditties! I think it drives them mad!
Anyways...thanks to everyone for all their thoughts and absolutely perfect and loving the fact that we are all home.
Mum reckons those meals that people have cooked for us are great, as its times like these we use thanks to all and one who have cooked for us! We love them!
We also have a few more little babies to add to our farm...we only have 3 cows left to have their calves. I am the proud owner of "Steven" the bull that my cow "moowhistle" had a couple of days ago. We named him after Dr Steve (although i dont think he knows yet!)
Anyhoo...mums yelling at me to get off the computer as its feeding time at the zoo.

love to you all


Wamma said...

You guys are awesome!!!!Love you lots.

sjk said...

Finally had a chance to take a look, Steven