Monday, September 8, 2008

A tribute to my dad on his first fathers day!

Hi everyone...
we have had a pretty good weekend with lots of things feeling generally well, although sometimes in the morning i puke my medicines up because there are so tummy can be a bit funny at times!
We had a good first fathers day yesterday and went for a walk out at anakie gorge. I was highly excited as it was the first time in ages i was able to smell all the gum trees without the plastic cover on my pram or a face mask. Mum and dad spoke with dr steve, and he made us all aware of the risks, but it was really important for us all to have an hour without anyone being around us in the bush...we felt soooo lucky, and boy did i sleep well last night!
I would just like to say a huge thanks to my dad for looking after me so well for the past 11 months. He has ALWAYS loved me with all he has, he has held me through the good times and the bad, he is always cracking jokes about mum which makes me giggle, he walks with me everywhere, takes me on the swingy-ding when the park is quiet (and doesnt let me play with the chains!), does 'boy' stuff with me like go to the tip when we were home, teaches me to dance (especially the shake-shake and more recently the thrusting of my hips like elvis - whoever elvis is!), lets me watch bodsie-puss (and laughs when i try and grab her tail!), showers/baths me every night and lets me pull his chest hair, plays with me while mum cooks tea for us, gets up to me through the night and helps me get back to sleep (especially in hospital so we can let mum rest), and sings me funny songs.
My dad is the best dad. I havent been an 'easy' baby from the beginning. The love and patience he shows my mum and me ALL the time is astounding considering all the things we have been through as a family. If i can be half the man he is when i grow up, i will be so proud.
I love you dad...

Me being a baby 'koala' trying to munch on gum leaves - mmm yummo!

Me and my dad...i love you dad

I love the gum leaves!

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