Tuesday, April 22, 2008

An Anzac Tribute

Hi guys
Eli junior here. It's Anzac day on Friday and I would like to pay tribute to members of my family.  We were fortunate enough to come across some photos of my great, great-grandfather and namesake, Eli Brown. Eli was the youngest of six children. He was 21 when he signed up for the Australian Army and served on the western front. Eli's dad, also named Eli was a logging contractor and unfortunately died when Eli was in France after a log rolled on him. 
Eli was affected with mustard gas and as a result, spent a long time in hospital before coming home to Coleraine, in Victoria.
After being home for a while, he decided to get on his pushbike, and travelled until he ended up in Deniliquin where he started a skin and wool buying business.  Eli and his wife had two sons, Norm and Kevan - my great poppa. My great poppa and his brother Norm also served in the Royal Australian Navy, and fought many campaigns in World World II.
My great Nanna from Deniliquin's father also served at Gallipolli and then was taken as a  prisoner by the Germans while serving on the Western Front.  After the war he returned to Renmark and grew fruit.
I guess this is a heartfelt thanks to not only my own family which has such a rich history (and great names like mine! but to all those men and women who served and continue to serve in the Australian Defence Force.  Lest We Forget

love and hugs

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