Monday, September 22, 2008

Good news for now!

Hi everyone
eli here...we got all the tests results back today...the 'fish' test where they look at my cells to see how many are mine (which we DONT want) and how much the new mojo is making....good news is that its all donor cells which means for now, my new mojo is doing its job and keeping my all infected stuff at bay. Apparently my immunity tests came back a bit better than expected too. Im not sure what it exactly means, but dr steve seems pretty chuffed about it. My cmv test also came back negative (exactly what we want) and now i just have to bide my time up here until all is absolutely dinky di then we can hopefully head home. It looks like that might be a couple of weeks away.
Other good news is that my platelets have popped up to 87 which is bloody awesome. Im feeling pretty good, but i still am a bit naughty with my sleep. mum says she doesnt know whats going on, but this morning we were all up 3.50am and i didnt really get to sleep until 10.30am...mum reckons panadol just hits the sides now!
Just wanted to congratulate poppa again. He and nan from deniliquin travelled to sydney to pick up his medal...he really does a fantastic job in his community, and works really hard for legacy and other stuff. We are all so proud of him (and nan coz behind a good man is ALWAYS a good woman!). We love them heaps and heaps.
We also wish my cousin chris the very best of luck too because he is off to afghanistan really soon. We know he will do a great job and be safe and will look forward to him coming home.
thats all the news in our world at the moment...will keep ya's all posted with stuff as it happens, but in general terms, im feeling generally well and am definitely looking forward to going home to meet my cows!
luv to all

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