Saturday, July 4, 2009

What a week or two it has been for the simpsons!

Hi everyone...

well, like most of the beginning of each 'blog'...we have been pretty busy yet again...back and forth to melbourne a bit, but we have had some other stuff going on as well...

i would like to just remind everyone that this year we are celebrating "YEAR OF THE BLOOD DONOR"...coz i like to 'walk the talk' - well occassionally!!, i gave blood last tuesday arvo. For those that havent done it, im probably the biggest sook when it comes to needles...but it really is just NOT that bad...all up..i think it takes about an hour of your time and it really is just so very important. While i used to donate here and there before I had Eli, it now has a very regular 'spot' on the calender...every three months. The blood you give helps people like Eli...towards the end of his life, eli was receiving a blood transfusion every second day, and plasma products EVERY DAY for nearly 5 weeks. It does make a difference, and it really is no problem. So if you have thought about it, and HAVENT done it...please make an will not regret it!
Righteo..will get off my soap box now!

The other thing that we were involved with on Monday night is the UGLY Bartender of the year for the Leukaemia Foundation. Thanks to Jason and all the staff at the Lakes Entrance Bowls Club for putting their 'bits' on the line to raise some $$ for the LF. I think all up they raised an enormous $3,100 which is fantastic! UGLY stands for Understanding, Generous, Likeable, You. There are 3 clubs/pubs in the running for a ticket on a cruise ship to Vanautu for the club that raises the most go LAKES! and well done on running a very successful evening.

Speaking of the Leukaemia Foundation, we went to Melbourne on Thursday evening to participate in the Worlds Greatest Shave THANKYOU event. It was a group of people who got together to celebrate the success of the Shave (a whopping $12 million dollars NATIONALLY and just over $2million in Victoria)...
Trophies of 'appreciation' were given to the top 30 Fundraisers this year. It was awesome to know that Gippsland had 4 groups that made the top 30 which is just terrific. It was just so lovely to catch up with them all as we hadnt had the chance... when it hit the top 5 fundraisers, team MELONHEAD had not been to the top 2, still no fundraiser - TEAM MELONHEAD!!! we nearly fell off our seats and boy, was it an awesome feeling. So an absolutely MASSIVE thanks to every one of you who was so inspired to give to such an awesome cause. Together, we raised around $29,200. The melonhead team members came from all walks of life to do something a little 'different'. Absolutely fantastic effort. A huge thanks again goes to Jenny from the LF who helped us organise all of the fundraising stuff. Her enthusiasm is infectious and im sure it helped us to get us to number 1...Thanks also to the staff at the Lakes Entertainment Centre for holding such a great event...and i hope it inspires them to keep going for a long time to come! Also, to all the local businesses who helped us, whether donating raffle prizes or putting posters in their windows, and putting tins/boxes in their business...well done..every cent counts!
Oh yeah...we also snuck into 25th position NATIONALLY!!! which means we matched it with the mining companies, the big corporations and banks! How fantastic.
I told the crew on the night that the trophies will be like the melbourne cup/or olympic torch. They will make their way around Victoria and Queensland over the next 12 months, hopefully with a photo at every 'counter' or home it enters! Thanks again seriously ROCK!
The last person we want to thank is Eli. He is our inspiration and will continue to be. I just wish he was here to share it with us. But he is not, so THIS ONE'S FOR YOU MELON!

love and hugs
the simpsons

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