Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Some news...

Hi everyone!

Fence posts in - check, timber bought for the rails and being fitted - check, small poddy calf in the backyard offsiding pete while he works - WHAT THE!!!

sometimes you just got to wonder why life is like it is....
we went to buchan on sunday and found we had 5 calves waiting for us! One calf had a very sick mum and unfortunately we lost her last night, and we ended up with a little poddy calf in our shed...crash course on poddy rearing. We were stoked we got her drinking a bottle at 7 o'clock!
we had hay for her bed all sorted...neighbours who were warned there may have been some noise through the night and a pretty nervous simpson family hoping everything would be ok!
well, it has ended up nicely...we found a very caring home for her this morning and she is off to swan reach to grow up this afternoon. I went home for a quick lunch and found pete 'ruffing' up the calf, the cat was very upset about pete's attention being on the calf and then the calf very happy curled up near one of the posts near melon's garden...nice way to leave for work again!

So, i think pete has some pics and we will try and post them over then next couple of days...Moowhistle had a baby yesterday...a beautiful baby hiefer that we have called K.T. - after 2 very awesome people we know that looked after melon...she will be a keeper!
anyhoo...best fly
luv and hugs to all
the simpsons

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