as i was wading through all the beautiful pics of melon, i came across one of the highlights of our stay in hospital...meeting some geelong players...clearly eli was super excited (as he was being groomed by his mum to be a geelong supporter)..however the simpson side had other ideas - thanks uncle phil for buying eli a 'baby pie' membership...pfffttt. Pete and i have always said, our children can choose their religion, but they cant choose their footy team. I think pete is in denial that eli would have definitely swayed the cat's way...will have to continue the battle when our new bubs arrives.
So...anyways...check out the pic's below of eli with a couple of champions...(Oh, and i couldnt help put one of me and my most fave players!)...
all complete with signatures of course...fancy that...we are the proud owners of signatures from Cam Mooney, Tom Harley, Gary Ablett and Jimmy Bartel (although we couldnt get a pic with Jimmy)...IN can see that melon is not too keen on Cam Mooney, but he loved Tom Harley..but who doesnt!
enjoy (and go cats!)
love and hugs
the simpsons
The morning of the grandfinal 2008 - Geelong played hawks. Even though the cats lost, it was an awesome experience. Thanks Challenge for making that happen for us (!)
I cant believe melon and i are holding a footy with the pies on it...pfffttt...(picture just there to 'placate' the simpson side :-)
One of the best pics like EVER! love it...see, melon really was a true cat could he not...he was born the day before geelong whooped port adelaide in the grand final of 2007!
definitely over the whole experience LOL
couldnt resist...ahhh...the picture says a thousand words - HEAVEN!
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