Sunday, March 14, 2010

Worlds Greatest Shave - 2010

Hi everyone

what a massive week it has been for everyone involved in Worlds Greatest Shave...

I would just like to start off saying a massive thanks to the girls who make up the charity chooks...without their love, support and dedication, pete and i would not be able to do the things we do so well for our charities...quite often we are the 'faces'...but let me tell you, there are a group of girls who are amazing and truly motivated to help with our a massive thanks goes to B & leona, nat and donna, and more recently marnie, ange, monica and vikki (and all the partners!!!) for a wonderful effort... THANKYOU...these guys are the creative minds, planners, do-ers and cleaners to help raise money for all our charities...

Now...worlds greatest amazing few days have been unveiled...pete and i travelled to melb on fri arvo where we witnessed alan webster shave off his 'mo' after 32 years (i previously reported 34!!)...he is about $2,000 shy of a whopping $40,000!! an absolutely amazing effort and it was an absolute thrill for us to be there to watch it...Alan was very kind and used Eli's memory as part of his motivation (and his beautiful neice who passed away of a brain tumour at the age of 27 years)....he was clearly hugely supported and did a fantastic job...well done webby...well done...

The chooks hosted a public shave event at Lakes Entrance on Saturday 13 March - out the front of the Lakes Community & Sport Centre...the weather was absolutely perfect...we had a few who were brave and shaved including a couple of older ladies - Carol & Jean...When I asked Carol what motivated her to shave, she said "her dad, and Eli"...Jean was another lady who shaved and when i asked her, she said, "im doing this for Eli"...i was absolutely were two ladies who i had never met, but there they were shaving their heads for melon...i must admit, i shed some tears and thought this was just amazing...when i introduced myself as eli's mum, they were so thrilled to be a part of the day and said they had followed eli's story for the past few years...Pete and I still get floored at just how embraced we are in our community...and we absolutely cannot thank them enough...I was saying to Leona earlier today that there are three reasons we do what we do...1. To keep eli's memory alive....2. To raise awareness of these charities that do help families in regional areas and 3. To help them raise much needed funds to do what they do...
So, the shave was fantastic with Travis Murdoch raising just over $500 to have his head shaved (and who was a member of Melonhead)...Little Tom who raised around $200 and Vikki Eldridge who will have her head shaved on Monday Night at the local bingo the moment, Team Melonhead has raised a fantastic $4,000, but we are hoping we should make it to around $4,500 and possible $5,000 by the time all our funds are banked...i was hoping for around $1,500 this year given everyone was so supportive last year...just absolutely blown away...the most important thing was to keep Leukaemia Foundation in the front of everyone's thanks once again for your continued support...and for keeping Melon's memory going...

enjoy the photos and we will keep you up to date with what the Charity Chooks are up to over the next few months....

all the best
hugs and love
the simpsons

A little dog even got into the festivities!
This is what it is all about...luv ya big melon
Pete, me, ange and heath - thanks guys for the great help!
Some of the shavers and organisers all joining in on the fun...
Me giving Travis a big hug to say thanks...
Go Travis...and thanks again
the two lovely's selling raffle tickets...ange and vikki! Well done ladies
Carol & Jean - thanks so much for your support of Eli - and of the Worlds Greatest brave!
Little Tom...what a champion...and yep, he did shave off all of those locks!

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