Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The long weekend!

hi guys

firstly, thoughts are to Belinda, Michael and Holly who have just passed 6 months since the passing of their gorgeous little boy "Nicholas". Nick was about 6 months older than Eli, so sparkly and very switched on. Nicky, Chad and Will used to play heaps and would often be in hospital at the same time...So thoughts are with Nick's family and we hope that there is lots of pink and purple in their lives rather than blues and brown.

We had a lovely long weekend...we headed to buchan to play with the cows...and just to take some much needed time out...we loved it so much that we are heading back there for an overnight stay again really soon. The cows are pretty big now, and we reckon that the first little arrival will happen over the next few weeks. The girls are starting to lumber a little bit. Moowhistle is the size of a hippo...she is massive...and still prances around like she is half her weight!
We had a lovely visit from belinda and kate too on sunday. It was nice...kate (2 and a half) was very keen to step in every cow pat she could find, feed moowhistle some carrots and walked up and down the hills that we have pretty easily. Betchya she slept pretty well!

We are heading back this saturday to build a makeshift verandah off the caravan. Like everywhere, gathering water is our achillies heel so we are keen to get some water catching happening. Petes also playing around with some hot water techniques so we can have hot water 'on tap'...instead of boiling the billy all the time. Pete's also keen to set up an outside bath (which is crazy given when we were there it was like, umm...minus 5 degrees - probably not that cold...but sure felt like it!)...so the verandah and the hot water are the next 'buchan' projects.

Now that we have almost finished the paths, we are keen to organise the fencing around melon's garden. I think we are planning on digging some post holes this coming weekend as well...so all hands on deck again!

touch wood, we have not lost one plant so far although it was touch and go for a little while...but the white paper daisies are starting to bud up...and a few of our little daisies around the edging are looking nice too...cant wait for everything to 'fill in' and grow!

alrighty..will fly for now...will post some piccies of the cows really soon...
luv to all
the simpsons

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