Tuesday, November 16, 2010

2nd year anniversary

Hi guys

well...its now 2 years since Eli gained his angel wings and left us...i really dont think this thing gets any easier...perhaps it gets more bearable for the times in between these anniversaries, but the days themselves are still extremely difficult.

We didnt really plan much today...just got up and spent some time in his room and lit some candles. We got out into the garden again and put up some solar lights (i reckon you can see the cottage from the moon!)...and then welcomed David Rogers - CEO of Challenge - Supporting Kids with Cancer to our Melon's cottage to see if it will fit the bill of becoming a respite area...amazing effort for david to travel from melb to lakes and spend a couple of hours with us...David said that challenge would be super keen to use the cottage for families so we are closer and closer all the time to getting our dream up and running...it sure has taken a while, but something we have wanted to do...just need to build the house! All the ducks are lining up which is great...sometimes patience really is a virtue!

It was good timing for David to come down on melon's anniversary. It really helps us keep on track as well as keeping melon's memory alive.

thanks to those who have sent a poem to us...i have a couple i would like to share...(and one you have probably heard before but it is just lovely)...

Im not sure who wrote it...
I thought of you with love today
but that is nothing new
I thought about you yesterday
and days before that too,
I think of you in silence
I often speak your name
All i have are memories
and your picture in a frame
Your memory is my keepsake
with which i will never part
you spirit lives within me,
forever in my heart...

The other one i would like to share came from Aunty Hayley, Uncle Dale, Kyle, Blakey and Connor..

It doesnt need a special day
To bring you to our minds
for days without a thought of you
are often hard to find

A brave little soldier, a special little face
someone we loved so much and cannot replace
Eli, you are close in our hearts and there you will always stay
loved and remembered every day.

The other phrase that was sent which is truly spesh is from Wamma - Eli's grandma in WA

Gone from our sight
never far from our hearts
where he shines with the brilliance of a thousand suns.

Miss you every single day Eli Charlie Simpson...and love you forever


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