Thursday, June 4, 2009

a few piccies as promised

Sorry bout being the wrong way...glitch between computer programs!
this is the side of the house...

The bird feeding section...
the roundabout...
the other side...

hi guys

a few pics of the new pavers and paths as promised...

A year ago tomorrow (5th June), eli received his new 'mojo'...his new stem cells to cure his leukaemia. We cannot believe it has been a year ago already. I remember breastfeeding him while he was going through the very strenuous 'conditioning' period. 10 days of pure 'stuff' going through his little body to kill the off 'everything' in the factory that was producing his bad leukaemic cells. on about day 6, i put my fingers through his hair and it fell out. I was very sad as i knew that it was the result of some pretty major things happening.
We felt like it was a positive step forward...small steps to a cure.
we have many more of these 'anniversaries' to come...and eli will be always remembered for the massive fight he fought. I wish we could bring him back, but all we can do is live our lives the best we can and keep living. In a way we can keep him living through everything we do, and to keep his memory alive.
Luv ya melon...and think about you every single day to the rest of you 
the simpsons

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks fabulous!!!!!!!! love the colour and the plants. look forward to seeing pics of it when its all big
