Monday, March 9, 2009

Four more sleeps (and some photos!)...

Hi guys

4 more sleeps, then pete and i will lose our locks (mine on the top of my head, Petes chest hair is up for a wax - OUCHIE!)

Our team 'melonhead' is doing an AMAZING job, with some cash still to be banked. I think we tried for $30,000 but i think we would be stoked with anything around $20,000. We will see how we go...

We have just spent a pretty awesome couple of days out at buchan with the cows...with a little push, (thanks rob!) we decided to wean the girls off the mums so they can get some rest before the new 'babies' arrive...

We left with the five little heifers crying for their mums, and a massive hope that our fences will help keep them apart! We are also hoping a few bits of hay will also come in handy!

We thoroughly enjoyed our time up at buchan...we planted eli's memory tree (the beautiful tree our friends and colleagues at fisheries victoria gave us)...and we just took it easy...we went for a drive to timbarra and up to Gillengal which was nice. Most importantly, we spent some time just having a nice relax after a few massive sorry we have not been so 'social...' its been really busy, and we are hoping things settle for a bit after our head shave...

Thanks once again to all those who have donated money to such a wonderful cause. I hope the rest of the team surpass their goals and look forward to seeing everyone with their heads shaved/coloured or body areas WAXED...we also hope to see some of you at the Lakes Entertainment Centre for a night of giggles and nude nuts, but most importantly, a chance to remember Eli and the other loved ones who have succumbed to this disease...

anyways...i will hopefully post some more goss again this coming weekend...
hope you all enjoyed a nice 'monday' off and we will talk again soon.

lots of love
the simpsons

Our beautiful angels and inspiration - eli charlie and nan

our little 'superman' - 1st birthday. gone but NEVER forgotten

side of melons cottage all planted, just need some rain for the plants to grow!

front of melons cottage, paper daisies front and centre of course!

marnie and me selling raffle tickets...yep...both heads of hair are GONE as of friday 13th March!!!

noice new paint on the balcony of melons cottage

colour colour everywhere!...slowly slowly coming together

an 'improved' side of 'melons cottage'

melons tree at buchan

melons tree with the hills in the background

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