Thursday, January 22, 2009

The week that was!

Hi everyone...
like all of you, it has been a pretty busy week...
Lots of different things going on. I celebrated a birthday on sunday (of course my age is umm...21 again!)...but seriously, a huge thankyou to all who made the weekend a continuous celebration...lots and lots of yummy food, good wine, absolutely great mates, family and BIRTHDAY CAKES!

All we can say yet again, is the day was bittersweet...i guess these are the milestones that are really going to hurt for a long time to come...

But, we are learning to laugh again and thats a nice might not see it all the time, but we are taking small steps forward...

Melons cottage is going well...pete and i are inspired to start some 'landscaping' soon. We went to bunnings on the weekend and bought some more gorgeous paperdaisies...lucky we were on a timeline otherwise we would still be there! pete is madly trying to finish off the balcony and then start the big boards under the house...slowly slowly coming together! We are very excited, and are definitely planning for an autumn planting session...
We are very slowly getting the km's into our legs for the "Leg it for Leukaemia" run...dont forget that for those that are interested, it will start at 9.30am at Lake Guthridge in Sale...should be a nice walk/run and one that we will certainly use to remember and celebrate Eli's life...and all the other people who have succumbed to leukaemia and other cancers/disorders...

We had our debrief at the hospital on monday. Some of the tests provided some good information and confirmed that eli had no JMML in his body as well as other things they originally thought was going on. Because they could exclude a fair bit with some of the very specific testing they undertook, one of the things were became the focus was an auto immune dysfunction. Some of the testing in this area proved to be 'inconclusive'. Eli had tested positive for haemalytic anaemia about 2 weeks into his last stint in hospital and it was because of some follow on complications from this causing antibodys doing some really weird stuff, it was thought that the antibodies caused disease in his lungs and liver, something he could just not shake. Very difficult time to go through, but i guess it just confirmed in our own minds that he absolutely fought with all his might and he really was just unlucky. As the Dr's explained, the bone marrow transplant process, especially using cord blood, is still very much in its infancy, and there is clearly much to learn. We just hope that the results from all the tests done after eli died will help build a better picture for little poppets with these diseases...and will hopefully one day add to the information already known. Bottom line, we would all love to be free of these diseases...
Pete and i are both really pleased we went through with the meeting, and once again, it has just made us so proud that our 'melon' gave such a fight after really understanding how sick he was...heartbreaking is one word that pops to mind, and you would give your own life to make it better, but its just not the way it worked out...

On a brighter note...
Our 'worlds greatest shave' gig is ramping right up...we have some details for those that are interested in helping us raise some money for the leukaemia foundation...

The official 'shave' will be held on Friday 13 March at the Lakes Sports & Community Club (the new name for the old "Entertainment Centre" in the middle of town)...shaving/waxing/colour kicks off at 8pm... for those that want to book a meal before the fun begins, bookings will be essential - please contact the Club on 5155 3500. The evening was a huge hit last year and we are hoping for even more fun so please come along! There will be spot prizes on the night and a few local 'famous' and not so 'famous' mugs to help! If you would like to donate online - go to, sponsor a 'team' - melonhead or an individual - jodie simpson...

So jump on board where you can...and we will keep you posted..

luv and hugs
the simpsons

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