Thursday, November 17, 2011

We remember

Hi everyone

yesterday was our third year without eli...cant believe how quickly the time has flown...and just how much we miss him...its a strange thing when people say time heals all wounds...i think it does to an extent...i guess the day to day dealings with life get a bit easier...but i think as time goes on...the emptiness and profound effect of losing melon hits more and more as each anniversary, birthday and special occasion visits us. I know i am finding the special days harder as each one passes. Im not sure how pete goes...we deal with our grief so very differently but yet stand strong together to celebrate melon's life.

It was a bloody hard day yesterday...i cried many tears. Its probably a bit harder knowing archie will never meet melon...but melon will definitely be part of our family as we grow archie can get to know melon through us and our family members...i am inspired by just how other families manage their grief and am appalled at times at how ignorant people can be...comments like "you should be able to move on now you have archie"..."come on, enough time has passed, you should be over it by now"...all i can say i guess is that until you have walked a mile in these shoes, comments like that are best left unsaid. I can see that those individuals have never expressed a deep and painful loss - they still have their parents and those close to them...perhaps one day we may get an apology, but until then, there is lots of biting the tongue and being diplomatic rather than flying off the nan was fantastic at that....being so graceful and dignified. So i definitely channel her when im challenged.
On a lighter note, i do love the fact that we are asked about belly swells with pride and i could talk all day about our us, its the best thing you can do...we love talking about melon..and it reassures us that he is not forgotten by others.

here is what pete and i put together for his memoriam:

Simpson, Eli Charlie

Our beautiful boy. Three long years since you left us on that Sunday afternoon. To this day, 12.55pm every sunday is when our world stands still and we are left to comprehend the fact we have lost you. You would have been 4 years old. You now have a baby brother who gives your photo on the fridge the most glamorous raspberries. You have a dad that still has a flag flying at half mast in his heart and a mum who would give anything to have just one more hug. The hole in our hearts never seem to fill regardless of how hard we try. We love you big melon and are so proud that you chose us to be your mum and dad. We think about you every single day melon. Love mum, dad and baby archie. xoxoxox

With that, i will leave you now...
if you have kids, make sure you give them an extra hug for melon...

lots of sunshine
the simpsons